Tattoo addiction: Does it really exist?

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Are tattoos addictive? Or is it just the desire for more ink under the skin?

Addiction, disease or what now...?

Many have heard about it and also many tattooed people talk about it and say "I am addicted". And who in the circle of acquaintances and friends has only one tattoo? But what is really about tattoo addiction. Is it really a kind of disease?

A stencil is placed on the skin
Tattoo addiction

The desire for more!

We can reassure you, tattooing is definitely not a pathological addiction. And only very few people seem to have such an affinity for tattoos that it goes in an unhealthy direction for the body. But it's also a fact that very few people stop at a single tattoo. So what exactly promotes the desire for more and more body jewelry on the skin?

The feeling of something new.

a tattoo machine is set
Tattoo addiction

The answer to this is not clear, there are several factors that seem to encourage mildly addictive behavior. For one thing, a tattoo is a change to one's body and if one likes the motif very much (as of course one should), it's like a great new hairstyle or nice new clothes. You express yourself and your inner self through externals. Of course, that's also exactly what a not-so-nice tattoo can do to take away some of your self-confidence. A beautiful motif can build self-confidence in turn.

The connection between pain and passion.

But the pain factor is also described by many tattoo fans as addictive. With every pain we feel, adrenaline is released in the body. That's why we can endure the pain well, even if we might think "I can't take it anymore" in between. Something similar happens with extreme sports. But when you have survived the tattoo session, it is a really good feeling and you are also proud that you have made it.

So, is tattoo addiction a danger or not?

More of a passion than an addiction.

Man with tattooed face at a festival
Tattoo addiction

To make a long story short, no. You do not need to worry. An actual addictive behavior looks different and requires that you feel an "addiction pressure" and have a "suffering pressure". Both can be found in the fewest tattoo fans, even if some are tattooed more excessively than others. Because hardly a tattoo fan would simply run for the feeling in the next tattoo shop and get any tattoo stung. Almost all people go weeks or months between getting tattoos. Addiction experts believe that it should rather be called a passion and the term "tattoo addiction" is misleading. And there is nothing bad about this passion either, quite the contrary. What others think of the fact that you decorate your body more and more with tattoos, you should also not care too much. As long as you feel comfortable in your skin, you should be allowed to change it as you please.

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